
Select Board

The Select Board generally meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 5:30 PM at the Town Office.  Check the calendar for any schedule or location changes.  All meetings are open to the public. Residents who wish to place items on the Select Board Meeting agenda may e-mail the Town Administrator at admin@hopemaine.org, or call the Town Office at 763-4199.

Select Board Members can be contacted directly by sending an e-mail to selectboard@hopemaine.org

Current members of the Board are:

Joseph Tassi  jtassi@hopemaine.org term expires 2025
Charles Weidman cweidman@hopemaine.org term expires 2025
Sarah Ann Smith ssmith@hopemaine.org term expires 2026
Wayne Luce wluce@hopemaine.org term expires 2026
Crystal Robinson crobinson@hopemaine.org term expires 2027



Official Website of Hope, Maine