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About Hope
Hope Library
Hope Historical Society
Online Services Available
Renew your vehicle registration
Pay your property taxes
Request an absentee ballot
Request a duplicate vehicle registration
Request a vehicle registration renewal reminder
Re-register your boat
Re-register your snowmobile or ATV
License your dog
Purchase a hunting or fishing license
Report a problem with a road
Get a burn permit
Find a septic system permit
Town Office
Code Enforcement Officer & Plumbing Inspector
Select Board
Select Board
Agendas, Minutes, & Documents 2024
Agendas, Minutes, & Documents - 2023
Agendas, Minutes, & Documents 2022
Agendas, Minutes, & Documents 2021
Agendas and Minutes 2020
Agendas and Minutes - 2019
Agendas and Minutes - 2018
Agendas and Minutes - 2017
Agendas and Minutes - 2016
Planning Board
Planning Board
Agendas, Minutes, & Documents 2024
Agendas, Minutes, & Documents 2023
Agendas, Minutes, & Documents 2022
Agendas, Minutes, & Documents 2021
Agendas and Minutes 2020
Agendas and Minutes - 2019
Agendas and Minutes - 2018
Agendas and Minutes - 2017
Other Boards and Committees
Board of Appeals
Budget Committee
Cemetery Committee
School Committee
Town Services
Animal Control
Fire Department
Code Enforcement
Solid Waste and Recycling
General Assistance
911 Service
Sheriff's Department
How Do I...?
Assessing and Property Taxes
Assessors' Agent
Hope Property Taxes
Property Tax Relief Programs
Tax Maps and Other Maps
Town Reports
Business Directory
Privacy Policy
How Do I...?
How do I contact Town Officials?
How do I register a car?
How do I register a trailer?
How do I register a boat?
How do I register a snowmobile?
How do I register an ATV?
How do I get a hunting or fishing license?
How do I license my dog?
How do I get a copy of a birth certificate?
How do I get a marriage license?
How do I get a copy of a marriage certificate?
How do I get a copy of a death certificate?
How do I manage my household trash?
How do I get a building permit?
How do I get a plumbing permit?
How do I get a septic system permit?
How do I get a burn permit?
How do I get on a committee?
How do I run for office?
How do I enroll my child in school?
How do I register to vote?
How do I pay my property taxes?
How do I apply for General Assistance?
How do I report a problem with a road?
How do I purchase a cemetery plot?
How do I request military funeral honors?
How do I register a complaint?