
Open Box of July 14, 2020 Ballots

Opening Box of July 14, 2020 Ballots
4:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 4, 2021



If you would like to WATCH the meeting, then please attend via livestream.
This meeting may be livestreamed: https://townhallstreams.com/towns/hope_me


The box of ballots from the July 14, 2020 municipal election will be opened by the Town Clerk for the sole purpose of relocating the ballots in a different sealed container and retained until the next Select Board meeting plus one week. The tally sheets will be copied for the following:


1.) One set sealed for the required amount of time prescribed by Maine law until the retention    period has passed and they are prepared for proper destruction.

2.) One set given to members of the Select Board for their review.

3.) One set reviewed by the Town Clerk.

4.) One set made for public review at the Town Office during regular business hours.


This process will be livestreamed, and the public is encouraged to watch via livestream if interested.

There are a minimal number of seats to watch the process in person, Please call the Town Office at 763-4199 or email the Town Clerk at clerk@hopemaine.org if you would like to watch in person. Seating is limited and you will be placed on a waiting list and notified by the Clerk if you will have an available seat.

Official Website of Hope, Maine