How do I pay my property taxes?
You can pay your taxes early, make partial payments, or you can pay a set amount each month, as long as the total amount due is paid by the due date. There is no discount for paying early. Please have your bill or account number with your payment to ensure proper credit to your account. You can mail a check or money order to the Town Office at 441 Camden Road, Hope, ME 04847 Payment can be made in person at the Town Office by cash, check, credit card, or debit card. There is a 2.5% fee for using a credit or debit card. We take credit card or debit card payments over the phone. You can pay online at the ACI Payments, Inc. website by clicking here. There is a 2.99% fee for credit or debit cards, or a flat $2.10 fee if you pay by electronic check. You will need to know your property tax account number, which can be found on your tax bill or by calling the Town Office at 207-763-4199. |